Saturday, April 13, 2013


Misti had 9 black puppies on the 9th of April all went great for delivery it took 12 hrs from the start of Labor to the first pup but once she got started she went fast we were all done by 1 am. we got 6 boys and 3 girls I thought I would have to do refunds but everyone of my buyers adjusted to what I had yea!!!! Now my biggest worry has come to rear its ugly head Mistis once again has a bad case of Mastitis UGH off to the vets we go I find a new vet I have never been to they offer me a coupon for a free office visit so now all I have to do is buy the antibiotics not bad I think WRONG the damn meds cost me over $100,00 just for meds oh and to top it off she has an ear infection.Luckily I have ear meds at home I can use. now its another day and her rock solid lumps are actually worse I ordered a breast pump to help pull the infected milk out of her. Luckily I do think the med is keeping her fever in check its only 102 & I have no doubt she would be way higher if she was not on these meds. I think one of the biggest issue is the pups hate nursing on the 2 last breasts she has a slight deformity in her nipples back there the milk flows just fine but the nipple is almost flush instead of sticking up so the pups pass it up and then it gets engorged and infected. 

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